One of the best ways to develop a rich understanding of any topic—and learn myriad ways to apply the knowledge and deploy the skills from it—is to engage it from multiple directions.
Project Saqqara's novel units contain detailed directions and resources for exploring the historical, cultural, psychological, and scientific issues that arise in each novel. Such a wealth of explorations is possible because Project Saqqara's Africentric focus is aspirational.
Project Saqqara has curated its list of novels, memoirs, longform works, and films not only because the works are thrilling, emotionally powerful, and driven by unforgettable characters, but because their story-worlds are intellectually luxurious and multi-dimensional. In fact, many of the novels are science fiction, because that genre, more than any other, explores human experience through awe and wonder, the core mindset for inspiration and aspiration.
For your next professional development session, book Project Saqqara to learn how teachers of English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science can collaborate to help students experience the exciting challenges and rich rewards of multi-disciplinary education!